Saturday, 31 May 2008

Friday, 30 May 2008

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Group project log

Hi Bloggers, Mike here...
This morning Lloyd came over to my place ( above is the view from my bedroom window) to help edit the interviews for the group project as I mentioned to him I was finding it difficult to structure them. So at 10 am we began going through the rushes deciding on what we did and didn't want to use in the film.
I noticed when editing one of he interviews that although there were some over the shoulder shots, opposing ones seemed to be lacking. We found a way around this by using footage know as "nodding" very simply shots taken of the subject nodding and also in the interview with the tennis coach we used cutaways of his racket as a bridge to shorten the interview as we felt it was too long. One thing we did find is we felt fatigued quite quickly, editing can be tiresome and laborious so to combat this we took a break halfway through the day and did something completely different. This helped us to come back to the task with fresh eyes. We edited in shifts with one at the controls and the other overseeing. This, we found, was a good way to work although at point we had conflicting ideas. We worked around this by creating duplicate sequences so we could try out our ideas without affecting the overall piece.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

work experience week 14

Hey Bloggers - Mike here!

As part of my work experience at star radio over the last few weeks I have been attending TEAM 45 meetings with the rest of the staff. TEAM 45 stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. The meetings last for 45 minutes and are held once a week. The reason for TEAM 45 is to help the staff at star radio perform more effectively develop star radio as a brand and encourage team bonding. In the meetings the team discussed different objectives and how to achieve them. The aim is to present the work done in these meetings to the group MD William rogers in a powerpoint presentation in two weeks time. I was asked to record the staff in groups of two talking about their objectives for use in the presentation.
It proved to be an interesting project to undertake and challenged my skills as a producer as none of the staff had any on air experience and required vocal coaching. Some others in the team were also quite nervous and needed some encouragement. However, overall the recording sessions went very well. Once I had recorded the audio into cool edit pro I split it into segments to be used in the powerpoint presentation, which I emailed to Andi Parsons who was responsible for collating the presentation.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Group project log

Hi Bloggers - Mike here!
I've been busy today editing material for the group project in final cut. Lloyd, Adam and I divided the edit between ourselves. I chose to edit the interviews. The first thing I did using a firewire cable was to take the rushes from the computer in the edit suite, which is where Lloyd captured the footage; that's the term used for transferring the footage from the camera into final cut pro. Then created a project in final cut and called it WSM Tennis Club Interviews. I skimmed through the footage separating each interview turning them into sub clips (option + U) to organize the project. Using this method I find I am able to work much quicker. The first interview I began editing was with Bob, one of the club trustees. It became obvious that I couldn't include all the material from bobs interview as it would have run for 6 minutes or so and it would have been really boring! This presented me with a problem though because I was unsure as to what information was essential and what I could exclude. I met with Lloyd and played him what I had managed to edit so far. Using a pen and paper I wrote down his suggestions and comments. One of the problems highlighted from our conversation was how uninteresting the piece was. We decided to jazz it up using on screen graphics and picture in picture sequences. I implemented the changes and have a rough cut ready to show Lloyd on friday.

You can learn more about final cut here

Friday, 9 May 2008

Individual project storyboard

Hey bloggers - Mike here!
This is the story board for the monage section of my individual project. A pop video featuring Katey Brooks. The idea of this monage is to show Katey in her normal life. Portaying that even though she is a fantastic talent she is just a normal down to earth girl. To view the JPEGS separately just double click an image!

work experience week 13

Hey Bloggers - Mike here...
So I finally finished the sound of station promo that I was asked to create. I acted on the feedback given by scott (producer) and made changes to the script which I then re-voiced. I also went back through the promo bit by bit painstakingly tightening the production and trimming where I was able.
I played the finished piece to Scott, we discussed which might be the best way to get this out to clients and decided to create an emailable MP3 version. I used the MP3 setting for broadband quality in cool edit and tweaked it a bit. I used variable bit rate which means rather than a constant bit rate for the entire file, in the parts where the signal is less complex the bit rate reduces leading to a smaller file. I found out this morning I one a prize for my work , A box of chocs, yum!
Im order to publish the sound of station on youtube I mixed it with a visual filler ( the star logo) before uploading. Have a listen and tell me what you think. Dont forget to checkout the star radio website here

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Work Experience week 9 - how to voicetrack

Group project minutes 2

Hi blogger's. It fell to Adam to take the minutes for this weeks meeting. Filming has more or less finished so we discussed a possible running order and shooting script, We talked about the material collected and what we may use or discard from the eight tapes of film Lloyd and Adam had shot!! Lloyd pays extreme attention to detail and this showed in the meticulous nature of the footage he had shot. However there was far to much footage for an eight minute film so much of our dialogue then and I suspect in the editing process will be around what to focus most on in the film to use the time effectively.

Group Project – Weston Tennis Club
Shooting Script

1. Mens singles match – shots to edit for split screen idea, with copyright free music. Mike to see if he can get music from work. Also shots of tennis balls hitting net, and rolling towards camera, to be used for graphics sequence.

2. Clean up day – needs to be sped up. Camera positioned up high in corner.

3. Interviews – over the shoulder shot/ mid shot/ close up of approx 8 interviewees. Each asked 3 questions, lots of fat to be trimmed here.
- coach
- new member
- existing members – young and old
- Bob Wilson

4. Focus pulling shots

Basically run through all the footage and strip out the best bits……..