Thursday 10 January 2008

Group Project- My Roles

Our Group project was a documentary on Ley Lines. My main role within this was one of presenter. I was to present the program in the form of a script written by another group member. I had several other roles, which we’re to be undertaken by all group members. These were:
1. Researcher
2. Field recording
3. Editing
I researched the subject with other group members brainstorming ideas until we were able to narrow the focus of our documentary into a workable program topic. Using the research that I had gathered I contacted people who I felt would make good interviewees. I liaised with other group members to arrange field trips and write questions for the interviews. Then I interviewed and recorded all the interviews with the chosen subjects. During my time out in the field I gathered useful information such as books and conversational titbits for the scriptwriter.
At the editing stage I undertook all production duties including recording script setting up and choosing appropriate kit and producing the finished documentary from editing to structuring the documentary.

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