Friday, 22 December 2006

Script Writing For Radio

How do you approach AIDS as an interview topic? If you think that sounds like a challenge, you’d be right! The task was four fold.
Establish the interview parameters, formulate questions, Write a script and produce the interview.
Establishing the perimeters of the interview require some thought.
Consideration needs to be given to the angle or approach the interviewer takes with this topic. Will you be sympathetic to the interviewee, let your views colour the interview, or will you remain impartial.
Friend or professional. It’s up to you.
Should the mood be light or informative and are there questions that may be taboo. Are you gay? How did you catch AIDS? Have you worked in the sex industry? What about the ignorance, stereotypes and prejudices surrounding AIDS. The questions can shape the interview.
Having written the questions, it’s useful to consider an introduction. How will you portray the subject? First impressions last.
For example, we could say “ Ken has been battling AIDS for six months” or perhaps “Ken has been suffering from AIDS for six months”. One word can change the way we imagine the subject.
Also introducing the piece as a whole is key. Perhaps begin the piece with a fact or a statement to stir the listeners’ imagination. After all, it’s a fact-the listener will turn off during the first thirty seconds if they’re not entertained.

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