Friday, 26 January 2007


Pitching ideas to a panel is the standard way in which as a producer or a production company ideas for content and programs are tendered.
Rarely when pitching ideas would this be undertaken by groups larger than 3 for reasons of choreography. It becomes more difficult not to talk over each other or to find specific areas of the pitch with enough interest as to warrant individual mention when pitching in larger groups. Also when pitching in larger groups there is less control available to the person overseeing the pitch, usually the producer.

We’ve talked about pitching ideas and what that means, we’ve also discussed some of the negative aspects when pitching ideas to a panel in large groups but we haven’t looked at the positives of pitching in large groups.


All things in abundance when working in a larger group as we did for our program pitch from ‘Pip to Pint’. First as a group we brainstormed for ideas, a method I’ve grown increasingly accustom to. The next step was to decide on our roles within the pitch. Of course our producer Lloyd took the role of overseer (A difficult task when considering his crew!). Adam and Kirsty discussed the key element of program format with Simon and Richard talking about local and national targeting and saleability and I was to discuss budget. My job was to convince the panel just what a bargain they were getting for their money! Here are the five key elements in our success when pitching our ideas and are as follows:

1. Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again!!
2. Use each other’s names. It sets panellists at ease and gives you an emotional connection!
3. Use springboards. Cards with bullet points to keep you focused.
4. Ooze enthusiasm for your ideas.
5. Bribe the panellists!! We took in a bottle of scrumpy and gave the panellists all a glass. This helped set the scene and break the ice!

So Pitching, with planning and imagination needn’t be like auditioning for X-factor and can even be a lot of fun!

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