Sunday, 29 March 2009

(MP3003) Film Festival

From conception it has always been my intention to submit my documentary in the film festival circuit. Today I began researching which Documentary Film Festivals would be appropriate for submission of my film. There were many suitable festivals all over the world from the sun-dance documentary festival in california to festivals in our very own Bristol. The majority of festival submission dates had closed for this season leaving me no choice but to apply to those next year, although I have found two festivals that I'm going to submit to. Amsterdam International and Sheffest. Sheffest documentary festival is perhaps the biggest and best in the UK. I have registered as an applicant with them on their website. Submission closes on June 14th, which gives me plenty of time to get the film ready. My ultimate aim would be to sell the film to a film company or television channel but I also hope this film will raise my profile within the media industry - and - a win would look pretty good on my C.V!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tried withoutabox mike ?

good luck, Mike J