Friday 30 November 2007

Commission & distribution log - week 6 30/11/07

In todays lesson I interviewed Susan Osmand on the subject of Distribution for film and television. I wanted to find out her experiences as an independent film maker at Cannes film festival. I spent the first part of the morning formulating questions to ask her. I wanted to find out how the film festival circuit works and why its so important to producers. I also wanted to know how important the relationships between the various roles of people in the distribution industry are. These are the questions i put to her:
Finding a distributor for your program or film is the ultimate goal for you as an independent film producer attending Cannes - take us through that process.
Why is the sales rep so important and why do they have such a close relationship with distributors?
How do you find out who is the right distributor?

I felt the interview went well although technically there was a problem. I could only manage to capture the interview in mono due to a faulty lead as a work around i'm going to convert it into a stereo file in protools at the edit stage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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