Thursday 13 December 2007

Individual Project Log 8/12/07

Hi Mike Here. So over the weekend I began to record material for my documentary on Clifton suspension bridge...On saturday morning I set off to interview Ian Downs, a volunteer at the bridge. Although it was fairly quiet in the visitors center I still found the noise floor problematic at times. To combat this I had to hold the mic as close as possible to the interviewee as I could without making them feel uncomfortable! The interview went well and I recorded some useful information for the program. However the second part of my mornings field recordings wasn't as successful. It was cold, raining and windy which, I believe was at lease in part responsible for the publics lack of enthusiasm. Some people even waved me away when I approached them which, was a little demoralizing. Eventually I did get some usable vox pops but I will need to get more over the next few weeks. I thought that I might change location and perhaps record some vox pops in broadmead as there are no shortage of people there!

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