Friday 7 November 2008

(MP3002) Individual Project Log 07/11/08

This morning I contacted Glastonbury abbey to obtain permission to use it as a location. I spoke to the deputy trustee Francis Tyre. I briefly outlined my idea and what I wanted from the abbey. I spoke about Brian Conquer, his background and how important the abbey is to him. I happened to mention Brian's faith as a druid after which Francis became very guarded and defensive - refusing me permission to film at the abbey. He said that the trustee's had a strict policy against anything which wasn't Christian based. I attempted to alley his fears and try to change his mind but it appeared as though his mind was made up.
It seems as though tourist attractions in Glastonbury are reticent in allowing filming at their venues. It seems odd that in a place famous for it's mysticism, religious and occult beliefs would make it so hard for me to find locations to shoot at. I have learnt from this morning's failure and will try to calm Natasha's fears as i suspect she to may have concerns that I could paint them in a bad light or get in their way. I also have a list of points in case i get lost in the conversation.

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