Sunday 15 March 2009

(CS3003) Script Writing for Television

Last wednesday my step out line got work-shopped in class and guess what? I survived! What's more I learnt from and enjoyed the experience. When I wrote the step outline I was conscious that it was quite short (a page) and also that it lacked a clear direction. This was reflected in the feedback i received from the group, who felt that in parts my step outline was vague and could benefit from some development in areas. One part of the step outline that the group felt I could develop further was the story-line about the witches from stanton drew warning Brian off of holding a ceremony there. This story line alone could take up an episode and could even see Brian could do battle with the coven! It was also felt that the title of my script needed to be changed to something more fitting, some of the suggestions that came back were 'you runed (ruined) my life', 'ritual humiliation' and 'stand on ceremony'. Great suggestions I'm sure you agree! So in summary the group feel it's a great idea for a script and it is coming together it just needs more direction. Doug also added as a footnote that he felt the script almost felt as though it started somewhere in the middle of the story and would benefit from a beginning, if at least just to fill out the pages of which, there were few! Some good advice and lots for me to think about as I start work on my treatment!

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