Thursday 8 January 2009

(MP3001) group meeting 08/01/09

Today Kirsty and I met with Kate Cross from the EGG. It was our first meeting, I felt quite nervous. I was glad Kirsty was there to keep me calm! It seemed to be one thing after another, first the sat nav broke and then we had a nightmare parking, but we made it on time to the meeting. We sat down with Kate and discussed the project with her. I led the meeting and kirsty took notes. We asked Kate what she wanted from us in terms of a finished product was it for archival purpose, dvd or web. Kate went on to explain that she wanted a trailer lasting 10 minutes showing the best bits of the play. This would be a promotional tool to show to bookers and would feature cast and crew credits. Kate also wanted a full length version for archival. We agreed to have a rough cut ready for Kate by mid feb which we would watch together so she could choose the clips to include in the trailer. We also discussed the possibility of an ongoing relationship between artswork media and the egg. The projects we take on though are dependent on the whole group being in agreement and of course being signed off by Nic Jeune. As a whole though I felt the meeting went well.

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